# definitions

# variables

In ghūl variables are introduced with the let keyword:

let x = 10;

The compiler will infer the type from the initializer, if there is one. If there is no initializer, then a type must be explicitly specified.

let x: int;

If both an initializer and a type are present, then the initializer must be assignment compatible with the type

let o: object = "a string";

Multiple variables can be defined in the same let statement, including a mix of types and with or without initializers

let initialize_now = 123, initialize_later: int, why_are_we_doing_this = "I don't know";

Variables may only be defined within functions, methods or property bodies. Variables names should be in snake_case

# functions

In ghūl functions consist of a name and a parenthesized formal arguments list, followed by a return type, and then either a return expression or a function body:

sum_two_ints(i: int, j: int) -> int => i + j;

sum_three_ints(i: int, j: int, k: int) -> int is
    return i + j + k;

=> introduces a single-expression body, while the is and si keywords are used to delimit block bodies.

Functions can only be defined at global scope. Functions can be generic, which will be covered later. Function names should be in snake_case

# arguments

Arguments consist of a name followed by a type. The type is mandatory as the compiler cannot infer types here.

do_something(what: string, why: string, to: int);

# types

# classes

Classes consist of a name optionally followed by a superclass name and the types of any traits implemented, and then the class body. The class body is delimited by keywords is and si:

class THING is
    // class body

A class defines a new reference type, instances of which are assignment compatible with its superclass type and any traits it implements.

Instances of classes are created via a constructor expression, which consists of a type expression followed by a parenthesis delimited list of actual constructor arguments. For a class, the type expression is simply the class name, qualified with any namespaces if needed:

class THING is
    init() is si // constructor

let a_thing = THING();

Classes can only be defined at global scope. Classes can be generic, which will be covered later. Concrete class names should be in MACRO_CASE. Abstract class names should be in PascalCase.

# structs

Structs consist of a name, then the types of any traits implemented, and then the struct body again enclosed in is / si:

struct POINT is
    x: double;
    y: double;

    init(x: double, y: double) is
        self.x = x;
        self.y = y;

Structs are constructed the same way as classes, with a constructor expression:

let origin = POINT(0.0D, 0.0D);
let right = POINT(1.0D, 0.0D); // or up, or down, or even left, depending on your co-ordinate system!

A struct defines a new value type, which means any values that the struct encapsulates are collected together as a new kind of value: copying the struct involves copying all the encapsulated values and the built in equality operator == performs a memberwise equality check:

let zero_zero = POINT(0.0D, 0.0D);

assert origin == zero_zero;
assert origin != right;

Structs can only be defined at global scope. Structs can be generic, which will be covered later. Struct names should be in MACRO_CASE.

# traits

A trait consists of a name, the types of any parent traits that must also be implemented, and then the trait body:

trait Printable is

Traits are similar to interfaces in other languages. The methods and properties of the trait must be implemented by any class that inherits from the trait:

class BOOK: Printable is
    title: string;
    author: string;

    init(title: string, author: string) is
        self.title = title;
        self.author = author;

    print() is
        write_line("Title: {title}, Author: {author}");

Traits can only be defined at global scope. Trait methods and properties must be made abstract by giving them empty bodies (see issue #285 (opens new window)). Trait names should be in PascalCase;

# unions

A union consists of a name and then a union body, which contains one or more variants. Each variant has a name, and then an optional list of fields:

union Tree is
    NODE(left: Tree, right: Tree);
    LEAF(value: int);

Unions are a reference type. A reference of union type can point to only one variant at a time. The active variant can be determined by checking the union's tag properties. These are auto named by convention based on the variant names.

let tree = Tree.NODE(Tree.LEAF(123), Tree.LEAF(456));
let leaf = Tree.LEAF(123);

if tree.is_node then
    write_line("have tree node");
elif tree.is_leaf then
    write_line("have tree leaf");

The active variant can be accessed by name, which returns either the variant instance (if it holds multiple fields), or just the field value if it holds a single field. Unit variants (those with no fields) cannot be accessed as they have no value.

if tree.is_node then
    write_line("have a tree with left {tree.node.left} and right {tree.node.right}");
elif tree.is_leaf then
    write_line("have a leaf with value {tree.leaf}"); // note we don't need tree.leaf.value here

Unions can only be defined at global scope. Union names should be in PascalCase and variant names should be in MACRO_CASE

# enums

An enum consists of a name and then an enum body, which contains one or more elements. Each element has a name and an optional constant integer value

enum SUITS is

Enums can only be defined at global scope. Enums and their members should be named in MACRO_CASE

# properties

A property consists of the property name followed by the property's type and, optionally, bodies for getter and setter methods.

class COUNTER is
    count: int;

class Sized is
    _size: int;

    size: int => size,
        = new_size is
            assert new_size > 0;

            _size = new_size;

Public properties with no getter or setter are automatically backed by a hidden field. Private properties with no getter or setter are implemented as a plain field.

Properties can be defined within globally and within classes, structs and traits. Property names should be in snake_case.

# methods

Methods are syntactically the same as functions, except they are defined within classes, structs or traits.

class SCALER is
    _scale: double;

    scale(value: double) => value * scale;

As with functions, methods should be named in snake_case

# constructors

In ghūl methods named init are constructors. When an object is constructed using a constructor expression, the corresponding init method overload will be called based on the actual argument types

class COUNTER is
    count: int;

    init() is
        count = 0;

    init(initial_count: int) is
        count = initial_count;


let c = COUNTER(); // calls the parameterless overload of init()
let d = COUNTER(50); // calls init(initial_count: int)

Constructors can be defined in classes and structs

# namespaces

Namespaces are introduced with the namespace keyword followed by the namespace name and then the namespace body.

namespace Example is

Namespaces may be nested inside other namespaces

namespace Outer is
    namespace Inner is
        do_something() is



A dotted namespace name is shorthand for nesting namespaces

namespace Outer.Inner is
    do_something() is



# namespace aggregation

A namespace definition is an instance of that namespace. Namespace instances are aggregated across all source files to form a single namespace scope. This means that all definitions within a namespace instance are visible unqualified within all other instances of that namespace in all source files:


namespace Example is
    // this definition of Test is visible unqualified
    // throughout the Example namespace:
    trait Test is


namespace Example is
    // class TEST can implement the Test trait without having
    // to quality the name Test:
    class TEST: Test is

# definitions outside any namespace

If a source file contains no namespaces, then all definitions in the file are placed in a compiler generated namespace that is private to that source file. This is useful for examples and tests:

// the compiler places this in an auto-generated namespace private to this source file
entry() is
    IO.Std.write_line("Hello, world!");

For definitions to be visible from other files, they must be placed in an explicitly declared namespace.

# namespace usage consistency

If a source file contains any explicitly declared namespaces, then all definitions in that file must be within a namespace. Bare definitions outside of namespaces are not allowed in files with namespace declarations:

namespace Example is
    entry() is
        IO.Std.write_line("Hello, world!");


// only additional namespaces are allowed here
// bare definitions are an error

# importing symbols with use

Symbols can be brought into the current namespace instance's scope using the use keyword. Imported symbols can then be used without qualification:

use Example.TEST;


let t = TEST();

use applied to a namespace imports all symbols from that namespace:

use Example; // imports Example.TEST and Example.Test


let t: Test;

Note that use only applies within the current namespace definition. It does not import a symbol into all instances of the current namespace:

namespace UseExample is
    use Example;

    class ANOTHER_TEST: Test is

namespace UseExample is
    // TEST and Test still need qualification here
    class YET_ANOTHER_TEST: Example.Test is

# visibility of symbols

In ghūl, the visibility of symbols outside their defining scope is managed by a naming convention which is partially enforced by the compiler

# global symbols

Classes, structs, traits, unions, global functions and global properties are accessible from any namespace. Prefixing their names with _ indicates they are intended to be private, but this is not enforced by the compiler:

class PUBLIC is

public_function() -> int => ...
public_property: int ...

class _PRIVATE is

_private_function() -> int => ...
_private_property: int ...

# methods

Methods are public by default. To make a method protected, prefix its name with an underscore _:

class THING is
    do_something_public() is

    _do_something_protected() is

Protected access to methods is enforced by the compiler

# properties

Properties are public read, protected write, unless they start with _, in which case they are protected read and write:

struct VALUE is
    public_property: int;

    _protected_property: string;

    init(value: int) is
        public_property = value;
        _protected_property = "value is {value}";


let v = VALUE(1234);
write_line(v.public_property); // OK it's public
write_line(v._protected_property); // compile time error: it's protected
v.public_property = 5678; // compile time error: not publicly assignable

# planned changes

Protected access will become private in a future release: derived types should not rely on reading or writing members with _ prefixed names